1 - Why did the consoler promised by Jesus take so long to come? It took the Spiritist Doctrine more than 1800 years after Jesus’ birth so it could be sent to mankind. It was necessary for the people to progress in terms of knowledge and feelings in order to understand and practice the Master’s teachings.

         2 – What is the mission of Spiritism?

         The mission of Spiritism is to help individuals improve themselves (spiritual, moral and intellectual evolution). Remind the children it is an important opportunity they have to learn the Spiritist Doctrine since childhood because this knowledge will help them during all moments in life.

         3 - What is a revelation? To reveal is to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secret; to allow something to be seen that, until then, had been hidden. (Definition extracted from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary online)

         4 - What are the three revelations from God to His children?

         Moses, Jesus and Spiritism

         Moses – talked about justice

         Jesus preached unconditional love

         Spiritism is the true consoler that sheds light upon reincarnation, consoles proving that death doesn’t kill spiritual life and that God always gives us a new opportunity even if we have made mistakes. Spiritism also elucidates that our choices depend on our choices which will lead to happiness and or to suffering.

         5 - Who codified the Spiritist Doctrine? Allan Kardec. He assumed a task in the Spiritual World before reincarnating. He was helped by a team of good spirits who were also committed to the Third Revelation. He was more evolved in terms of knowledge and love; he was prepared previously in the Spiritual World for his mission.

         6 - What are the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine? (The spiritist teacher could comment, together with the children, on what each one of them understands about the principles).

         Existence of God

         Existence and survival of the Spirit


         Law of cause and effect

         Plurality of inhabited worlds

         Communicability between incarnate and disincarnate spirits

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies