A lesson for Nicodemus

         In face of the new teachings of Jesus, all Pharisees from the temple became quite sensitive due to their extreme attachment to the old texts. The Master, however, never stopped trying to clarify difficult situations under the light of the truth that His divine word brought to the world. Great number of doctors could not hide their dissatisfaction. Even if they tried to stop him, Jesus continued acting with generosity, benefiting the afflicted and the ones who suffered. The new principles were being discussed in the great temple of Jerusalem, in public places and at the synagogues. The most humble and poor people saw the emissary of God in the Messiah, whose hands distributed in abundance peace and consolation. Important personalities feared him, though.

         The prophet did not feel seduced by the great promises made to him regarding the material future. He never accommodated his words in accordance with the conveniences of the time. Although indulgent for others’ faults, he fought constantly against evil; soon becoming an object of hostility for some individuals mostly in Jerusalem. This was a quite cosmopolitan city which was an expressive portrait of the world. Jesus’ ideas were being passionately discussed in the streets. There were people who preached in favor of Jesus’ doctrine, servants who felt him deeply in their hearts, priests who fought him openly, conventionalists who did not tolerate him and rich individuals who preached against his teachings.

         However, some spirits followed the Messiah. These people had a real interest on his elevated principles. Amongst them there was a man called Nicodemus. He was a studious Pharisee, considered a ruler of the Jews. He was intelligent and had a kind heart. One night, he searched for Jesus in private. He held great concerns as he meditated for a long time before hand. He was seduced by the magnanimity of his actions and the greatness of his saving doctrine. The Messiah was followed of only two of his disciples. He welcomed his visitor with his usual kindness.

         Nicodemus had a great respect for Jesus. After the usual salutation, he revealed he meditated deeply and was anxious for learning. Nicodemus then asked Jesus:

         – Master, we know that you came from God. For no one could do the things you do without divine assistance. You show the sign of the sky in your hands. I have spent my existence interpreting the law, but I wish to hear from you how we can get to know the kingdom of God!

         The Master smiled kindly and said:

         – Nicodemus, first of all, it’s not enough to live interpreting the law. It’s necessary to feel the meaning of the texts. I tell you the truth; no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.

         – How can a man be born when he is old? – The Pharisee felt quite surprised with Jesus’ reply – He cannot enter his mother’s womb and be born a second time, can he?

         Messiah looked at him straight into his eyes, with kindness. He considered the seriousness of the subject discussed and added:

         – I tell you the solemn truth, it is imperative for man to be born and reborn to fully know the light of the kingdom!

         – How can these things be? – Nicodemus replied; feeling quite disturbed.

         – Are you the teacher of Israel and yet you don’t understand these things? – Jesus asked, as if taken by surprise – It is natural that each one testifies of what is known to them; however we need to consider that you teach. Therefore, you do not accept our statements. If I have told you about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? It would be insane to feed what is appropriate to an old man to the fragile body of a child.

         The Pharisee felt quite confused with these words and decided to leave. Jesus stayed together with his disciples Andrew and James who tried to understand this new lesson.


         It was now quite late in Jerusalem. There was a profound silence in the air, over the landscape. However, Jesus and those two disciples were still talking about the subject. Andrew and James wanted to penetrate on the occult meaning of the Master’s words. How could this rebirth be possible?

         Even if they had knowledge, they also shared the same perplexities which lead Nicodemus to leave taken by surprise with Jesus’ words.

         Why do you feel so admired with these truths? – Jesus asked them kindly – Aren’t the trees reborn after they are trimmed? With respect to men, the process is different, but the spirit of renovation is the same. The body is a vestment. The man is its owner. All material clothing will end up being destroyed. However, men are children of God, who will always find in his love the necessary elements for the vestment change. The death of the body is an irreversible process because the soul will always progress through other experiences. It will progress until it reaches the definite path in the kingdom of God with all acquired perfection, through previous rude paths.

         James felt like something new was not understood by him. It enabled his simple spirit to feel happier; he then asked:

         – Master, since the body is just like the material clothes for the souls, why are we not all equal in the world? I see beautiful young people next to cripples and paralytics...

         – Have I been teaching that the one who becomes an instrument of scandal needs to cry? – Jesus said – Each soul brings with itself the same hell or heaven that was constructed in its consciousness. Would it be just to grant a new, beautiful and more perfect vestment to the rebellious Spirit who destroyed his previous one? What would we say about Our Father’s wisdom if the most precious possibilities would be given to the ones who used them for theft, murder and destruction? Those who abused wealth will dress vestments of the most humble slaves in another incarnation; just as the hands of the ones who wounded could be cut.

         – Sir, I now understand the mechanism of redemption - James murmured, externalizing contentment for his understanding. - But I notice that the world will always need people who make evil and causes suffering, since the debtor will need somebody that causes the same damage done by him to him, in order to liquidate its debit.

         The Master decided to clarify this objection and asked the disciples:

         – How is the process of redemption under the Law of Moses?

         James pondered for a moment and then said:

         – In the Law of Moses it is written "eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".

         – You haven’t understood just as Nicodemus didn’t – Jesus said with a generous smile.

         – You have been rationalizing as most men do, but not feeling the commandments. You have not yet pondered perhaps that the first Commandment is a determination of love. Beyond “You shall not commit adultery”, “You shall not covet”, there is the law “You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with your entire mind”. How could someone love God, without loving one another? However, it doesn’t surprise me the lack of spiritual vision you had when you examined the text of the prophets. All the creatures would have done the same. They investigated the revelations of heaven with their own selfishness. They organized justice as the highest step of the human idealism. However, I place love above the world’s justice and have taught that only love covers a multitude of sins.

         If we stay attached to the law of Talion, we are obliged to recognize that where there is an assassin there exists a man that will need to be murdered later on; with the law of love, however, we understand that the executioner and the victim are two brothers, children from the same Father. It is enough for them to follow this so that the divine fraternity moves away the ghosts of scandal and suffering.


         The two disciples were extremely happy with the elucidations received from the Master. This profound teaching made things deeply clear to them.

         James came closer to Jesus and suggested he should disseminate these new truths when he would be preaching on the following day. Jesus then looked at him with admiration and said:

         – Haven’t you understood yet? If a doctor of the law left without me being about to explain all the truth to him, how can we expect people to understand? Does someone start building a house by its ceiling? Besides, I will send the Consoler, in order to clarify and expand my teachings.

         Andrew and James were extremely impressed; they then stopped asking questions. That private talk between the Master and the disciples would be kept under the night of Jerusalem but the lesson for Nicodemus was given. The law of reincarnation was proclaimed forever in the Gospel of the kingdom.

Book Boa Nova (Good News), by the spirit Humberto de Campos, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, edited by BSF.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies