Make two piles of money. In one pile, place several bills and as many coins as you have. In the other pile, place just two pennies. Now, which pile is worth more?
In today’s story, we will see how the two pennies could be worth more than the big pile of money!
One day when Jesus was at the Temple, He watched as people placed their money gifts into the offering boxes (Mark 12:41). One poor widow had just a tiny offering to give. A widow is a woman whose husband has died. In Bible times, widows were not allowed to get a job, so very often they were poor. In most cases, they had to depend on the charity of others (Deuteronomy 14:28-29).
Material received from Gisel Haddad KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA
As Jesus looked up, he saw rich people putting their gifts into the temple offering boxes. He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins.
“What I'm about to tell you is true,” Jesus said. “That poor widow has put in more than all the others. All of those other people gave a lot because they are rich. But even though she is poor, she put in everything. She had nothing left to live on.” - Luke 21:1-4
So, why would Jesus say her offering was worth more than all of the others?