
         One day Monica and Antonia were finishing their school assignment called “Jesus’ miracles”. They wrote about several of Jesus’ cures, such as the Ten Lepers, the Paralytic from Betsaida and so on, but something was missing….

         - Why can’t people perform the same types of cures Jesus did? – Monica questioned.

         Antonia didn’t know the answer to this question. Therefore, Auntie Amelia, who is a spiritist teacher, came to her mind. She had helped her in previous school assignments.

         They decided to search for Auntie Amelia and ask her help. She works as a chemist in a manipulation pharmacy. They met her explained their doubts whilst she was preparing something with test tubes. Auntie Amelia suddenly dropped a pink liquid in her white lab coat, without warning the girls she would do it. The girls got really frightened! Why did she do that? Her lab coat would now have a pink stain on it!

         Therefore Auntie Amelia, instead of explaining what she did, just said to them:

         - Jesus did not perform any miracles.

         The girls looked at each other. What was going on with Auntie Amelia? First, she drops this pink liquid in her lab coat; now she says this…. But she continued:

         - Miracle is an extraordinary event that goes against the Laws of god. In the ancient times, people didn’t have the knowledge we have nowadays. They understood as miracles all cures and extraordinary phenomena performed by Jesus because they could not explain it in a different way.

         - But, how can we explain the cures performed by Jesus? – Antonia wanted to know.

         - Jesus cured people, repelled disturbed spirits, said predictions... He also used telepathy and clairvoyance. He was able to all these by manipulating energy; through his thoughts and will, since He is a Superior spirit and has much more knowledge than all of us. – The Auntie explained.

         Monica and Antonia were listening carefully. Auntie Amelia continued:

         - He did these extraordinary things to help people and to make them understand He was on a very special mission; to disseminate love and charity. But to deserve to be cured, the person needed to have faith and will to change. This is why Jesus always said: ‘Your Faith saved you’.

         It was at this point Monica remembered what happened to her auntie’s lab coat. It was quite surprising to see the pink stain was now gone! The girls were again taken by surprise…

         - No, girls, this is not a miracle! – Auntie Amelia explained. This is just something we can’t explain. Can you now see how easy it is to call miracle something we do not understand? I mixed certain chemical components together earlier on. When they get dry, these components evaporate and make the stain disappear.

         - Cool! – The girls screamed.

         They kissed Auntie Amelia and thanked her for the lesson. They went back home to finish their school assignment and decided to change its title: Jesus did not perform miracles.

Claudia Schmidt

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.