Jesus and Allan Kardec
Jesus asserts, faced with the Divine Revelation: - 'I am not come to destroy the Law but to fulfil it,"
And Allan Kardec reaffirmed: - "Spiritism also says: - We have not come to destroy the Christian Law but to carry it out."
The Divine Master exclaims, given the greatness of life: - “In my father’s house are many mansions."
And Allan Kardec highlights: - "The house of the Father is the Universe. The 'different mansions' are the worlds which circulate in infinite space and offer the Spirits who incarnate on them dwelling places which correspond their progress."
The Lord warned us, praising the law of love that rules the destiny of all creatures: - "Love one another as I have loved you."
And Allan Kardec proclaims: - "Without Charity there is no salvation."
The Christ recommends, stressing the need for progress toward knowledge and virtue: - “Do not hide the light under a bushel."
Allan Kardec adds: - "In order to be profitable, faith must be active; it must not become benumbed."
The Lord sentences, highlighting the imperative of self-effort: - "Seek and you shall find."
Allan Kardec says: - "If you help yourself then Heaven will come to your aid."
Jesus said, highlighting the need for educating ourselves: - "Be perfect as your Celestial Father is perfect."
Allan Kardec adds: - "The true Spiritist can be recognised by their moral transformation and by the efforts they employ in order to dominate their bad instincts."
And Allan Kardec confirms: - "If God had exempted Man from bodily work his limbs would have withered. If He had exempted him from intellectual work then his Spirit would have remained in a state of infancy, or mere animal instinct."
He highlighted, praising responsibility: -"Much will be asked to whom much was given."
Allan Kardec concludes: - "Much will be asked of Spiritists because they have received much."
The instructor explains, extolling the philosophy of evolution, through numerous existences that perfect the human beings (reincarnations): - "No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
Allan Kardec states: - "To be born, to die, to be reborn yet again, and constantly progress, that is the Law."
The Master said, crowning the elevated mission of real science: - "Know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
Allan Kardec states: - "Unshakable faith is that which can stand face to face with reason in all epochs of humanity."
The Apostle of the Codification was extremely in tune with the Divine Master. The Spiritual benefactors who oversaw the work were clear in this summary found to question No. 627 in "The Spirits’ Book": - "We are charged to prepare the reign of good announced by Jesus."
(Message received by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier, Spirit Emmanuel) http://www.espirito.org.br/portal/artigos/ednilsom-comunicacao/dij-fep/jeskar.html