Our lives

         One upon a time there were 2 very close friends called John and Tony. John was always very talkative, he really likes to talk and with everyone. But one day, John was very strange, he didn’t want to talk and he was very quiet. Tony, who knew John very well, has felt that something was going wrong with his friend. For sure, something happened to him to make his behave very strange.

         Tony said: Are you feeling well John? Is something hurting you?
         Yes, said John, my heart hurts a lot.
         Tony thought something very dangerous was happening with his best friend. So, he said: Let’s go I take you to the hospital, I need to say to your parents, to my mother and for our teacher. Come on let’s go we need to take you to the hospital.

         John very calm answered him: No Tony, I am sad for that reason I said my heart hurts.
         Oh I am sorry I didn’t understand at the first. So, tell me what is happening?
         Oh Tony, I dreamed with my grandmother last night. Do you remember that she died last year? I was extremely sad. But, last night I saw her, she was very pretty. We talked, played together and she told me stories as she used to do when she was alive. But it was very strange because she still alive.

         She also said we all continue living forever. And after she gave me a good bye saying we must come back. To be really honest I didn’t understood anything I just, I just, (and John start to cry….)
         Oh, my dear friend, said Tony, she was right we all live forever! And we will all see each other again.
         But, she died last year. – said John.
         No, her physical body dies and it will happen with all of us, but in that case, her spirit continues alive and because of it you both could meet each other last night.

         How is it possible as I can’t see her every day as I used to? – said John.
         Tony asked him to go to his house as he wanted to show him something.
         Tony used to go to a Spiritist Centre every Sunday with his mum and his dad. There he listen stories, hear about Jesus and his parables and learn about the life after death.
         Tony has taken a doll paper from a book and showed his friend.
         Look at this, said Tony

(The Spiritist Volunteer should bring a model of paper doll like the picture above)

         Look John; that is our body: We have our physical body which we can touch and we use to see, eat, walk, write, to run, etc. But only those who are incarnated have got a physical body.
         All of us have got a spiritual body or we can also call it as perispirit. This body is different from the physical body is more ethereal and lighter and is not everyone that can see it.

         John became more confused…
         So John, Tony continues, God created us to live forever. God gave us 2 treasures: one is our physical body, which allows us to live for a period of time incarnated, like us now. And the second treasure is our eternal life, which also allows us to live forever.

         John started to understand
         In case of the death of our physical body, we will use only our spiritual body. As the same what happened with you and your grandmother last night.
         Tony became very happy as he could see that his friend understood and he was not said anymore.
         So, can I still see my grandmother forever? Ask John
         Yes, forever don’t worry. That’s God’s law and it will never change. God guarantee.
         And what should I do when I remember her?
         Oh John, tell her about your feelings and she will receive it whatever she is. And even you can’t see her through your physical eyes, remember she still alive and maybe she is close to you.
         John started fell much better and relieved with this conversation. So he gave a big huge to his friend and both started playing together.