Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Ann. Ann lives with her family in a nice house. They were very, very happy. Although Ann was a nice and polite girl she didn’t like to help her mother at all.

         However, her mother used to tell her many stories about Jesus who always helped everyone everywhere. But Ann never has taken too much attention to what her mother said. One day, after school Ann was very upset and almost crying. Then, her mother asked:
         “Are you ok my dear?”
         “No, mum no one like me at school.” she said
         But what has happened? Said Ann’s mother
         “My friends didn’t want to play with me because I don’t like sharing.” said Ann
         “Oh dear, don’t worry, you can learn! Try to share anything with some of them tomorrow, so they will see how nice you are!
         Remember that Jesus said we are all good!”

         At this night, Ann had a dream.
         She was in a different and beautiful place that she hasn’t been before!
         Suddenly, appears a beautiful butterfly that started to talk to her.
         “Hi Ann, come her I want to show you something!”
         Ann started to run following the nice butterfly.
         “Look Ann, here is our school, we all come here to hear about our friend Jesus and we learn to help and love one another!

         The butterfly continued
         “All the animals here work together, because they are all sun of God!
         All the children also work and play together, because we are all learning to be a good boy and girl.
         At this time, the butterfly started to introduce all her friends to Ann who was extremely happy and touched with so many nice friends.
         So, Ann helped to clean the room with all the others friends
         Ann helped to plant some flowers outside
         Ann played and shared the only ball that they had.
         Ann was really happy!

         When Ann has woken up she told the dream to her mum: “Mum, there everyone loves each other and we all help!”
         We listened about our friend Jesus, his love and who we should follow him.

         Her mum said: “My little dear, do you know you can do it with your friends at school or with your neighbours?
         Help them, share with them and you will see how good we can be like Jesus.

         Ann was so happy and started to learn how to be a good girl.