1 - Comments

         * Albert Einstein (Theoretical Physicist / Philosopher of Science / 1879 – 1955 / Nobel Prize winner for Physics in 1921) said that the probability of the universe to be the result of ‘chance’ is the same one as a typography explodes and then forms an organized library. He also said ‘the eternal mystery of the universe is its comprehensibility.’

         * The universe is between 13 and 18 billion years; it continues to expand, but it is not possible for men to determine the exact age of the universe or the planet Earth.

         * We do not know God’s motivation in creating the universe, but it was done according to His will. Humans, and especially scientists study planets, the suns, the universe, but still can’t determine exactly how the universe was created, but one of the most accepted theories about the formation of the universe is the Big Bang Theory (Great explosion).

         * Comets have no direct influence on people's lives, but even today many people are superstitious and believe (mistakenly) that comets bring bad luck.

         * In the past, people believed the Earth was flat, and that it rested on the back of a giant turtle. Men didn’t travel very far because they were afraid to come to the end of the world and fall off the Earth into space, because they thought the earth was flat like a sheet of paper.

         * If we add all matter contained in stars, planets, galaxies and other star known to us, we reach up to 1% of all that exists out there. You can see only 1% of the universe. The other 99% is dark matter, which does not shine or reflect anything.

         * There are 100 billion galaxies in the Universe. If there are so many galaxies, imagine the number of stars. “It is estimated that each galaxy has 100 billion stars", says astronomer Thyrso Villela, from the National Institute for Space Research in São José dos Campos, São Paulo. So do the maths: 100 billion galaxies times 100 billion stars - there are 10 billion trillion stars, or 10 followed by 21 zeros.

         2 - Heavenly Music

         For a moment, imagine the grandeur of the cosmos.

         Scientists estimate that nearly 14 billion years ago, there was an explosion of light and our universe was born. Science calls this the Big Bang. For Spiritualists, here there is the presence of God creating all things, saying the sweet words: Let there be light!

         And there was light: billions and billions of suns pace, solemn, in symphony.

         Trillions of planets, asteroids and satellites perform the silent dance of celestial harmonies around these suns.

         Planets revolve around themselves. They revolve around suns. The Suns rotate and its entourage following the walk of the galaxies. There is rhythm and grace everywhere.

         Here and there, a comet - obscure asteroid - is approaching a star. And suddenly it is flooded with light.

         Beholds light; like a cosmic match. Then it goes, dragging its tail of dust and gas, to sow life through the worlds.

         But in one of these trillions of planets under the yellow light of a sun, the residents of a certain planet - the Earth – who feel proud to be larger than the others.

         From space, Earth is a small blue grain of sand, beautiful, that walks in the infinite space.

         But its inhabitants are like children, always fighting, believing themselves to be the masters of life, owners of the skies.

         Ah, if we could see the whole universe; Earth is a tiny drop in the great ocean of Creation!

         Surely we would be more humble. We would not give much importance to the small problems of everyday life.

         Perhaps it would be easier to forgive, forget, erase any bad feelings.

         If we saw our world as a translucent soap bubble floating in the middle of the dithering of the stars, maybe we would learn to revere the work of God more.

* * *

         Extend your eyes into space. In the blue lights that flash thousands of light years away, we see the signing of the Great Creator of all things.

         God, the Divine name that fills us with light and music to our pale existences...

         God, how much greatness in you, blessed Father of all things.

         God, due to your breath of life, we were born as spirits. Fulfilling Your laws, we dive into the physical body so many times and build a career on the experiences add up and enlighten us with wisdom.

         Lord, here we are. We are Your children, who run to You our trusting eyes. If we are still fools, if we are still fragile, teach us to be strong and wise.

         Inspire us once again the lesson of universal brotherhood for love to dwell in us.

         Inspire us so joy infuses the soul; for peace to be installed in our mental field.

         So we can be worthy to be called Thy children.

* * *

         The worlds are houses in the Kingdom of God, waiting for us, wayfarers on the march to perfection.

         Just as countries, cities and villages from the same continent, the worlds from the sidereal spaces are various schools of technological, intellectual and moral progress.

         These are many mansions in our Father’s House in the vast universe that we must still discover, explore, admire.

‘Redação do Momento Espírita’. Available in book ‘Momento Espírita’, v. 7, ed. EFF.