Formation of Living Beings II
Greetings and Opening Prayer
explain how primitive Earth was organized, who its inhabitants were and how they lived.
- divide the group into 03 or 04 teams, according to the number of adolescents present;
- draw down on the floor the scale of living beings according to their organic complexity (The Genesis According to Spiritism Ch. X, item 24);’ make sure it takes up much of the room.
See model below:
Human being
Mammals; of which the organisation is more complete
- The idea is to get the groups to respond to a series of random questions with varying degrees of difficulty for each step.
- Get one young person from each team to stand on the word "vegetables". At this stage, the young person who is standing on the word must answer questions alone to be able to move onto the next phase.
- If the team gives a correct answer, they will go on to the next phase.
- Once he/she moves onto the next phase, he/she will need to stand on the word " Amoebas" and will be able to receive help from another member of his/her team. The next stage will be to move to the word ‘Helminths’ and be helped by 2 members of his/her team; and son on, until the entire team will be able to help answering the questions asked by the spiritist teacher.
- If the team gives a wrong answer, they will remain stationed; never retrograde. This question should then be asked to other teams once they reach that phase or stage.
- The technique is completed when all teams reach the ‘Human Being’ stage.
Suggested questions to be asked, at each stage:
1) In which season are we?
2) How many syllables are in the word "Spiritism"?
3) Who is Jesus? Our guide and model to follow.
1) What was Allan Kardec’s nationality? Answer: French.
2) Tell me the shoe size you are wearing, without looking at it.
3) Name the highest order of spirits. Answer: Pure spirits.
1) What does the initials "ISC" mean? Answer: International Spiritist Council.
2) What does the initials "UN" mean? Answer: United Nations.
3) What does the initials "USSC" mean? Answer: United States Spiritist Council.
4) What does the initials "BUSS" mean? Answer: British Union of Spiritist Societies.
1) In which city was Allan Kardec born? Answer: Lyon
2) Which month has twenty eight days? Answer: Every month has 28 days.
3) What is spirit? Answer: The intelligent principle of the universe.
1) Kardec was born on 3rd October 1804. If he was incarnate in 2004 he would turn 200 years of age. How old would he be today? Answer: 206; if before 3rd October 2011.
2) Who commands the physical body: the perispirit or the spirit? Answer: The Spirit.
3) What is the aim of the incarnation of spirits? Answer: Attaining perfection.
1) Mention the triple aspect of Spiritism. Answer: Science, Religion and Philosophy
2) Does the incarnation of spirits always take place in the human race? Answer: Yes (it would be an error to suppose that the soul or spirit could be incarnated in the body of an animal – source: The Spirits’ Book).
3) What’s the perispirit? Answer: The link which unites the body and the spirit
1) Write down Kardec’s full name. Answer: Léon Denizard Rivail
2) What is God? Answer: God is the Supreme Intelligence-First Cause of all things."
3) What is the soul? Answer: an incarnated spirit, whose body is only its envelope.
1) Does man belong to mammals? Answer: Yes, man belongs to mammals - from which he differs only slightly in outward form.
2) What is the general character of prayer? Answer: He who prays may propose to himself three things: to praise, to ask, and to thank.
3) What are the three things there are in man? The body, the spirit incarnated in the body and the perispirit (The link which unites the soul and the body).
If this is the first lesson of the year or if there are new group members that had no contact with Spiritism before, it’s best to mix ordinary questions along with the questions related to Spiritism in order to help these adolescents integrate into the technique.
Following step by step the series of beings, one can say that each species is a transformation of the species immediately below it. Man’s material body is the last link of animality upon the Earth. The human species belong to the mammals, but was separated from this group because of its greater level of evolution.
Young people can make inquiries and comments about the theme.
Closing Prayer
The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec (Chap III, questions 43 to 49) ; ’The Genesis According to Spiritism’ by Allan Kardec (Chap X); Evolution in Two Worlds by Chico Xavier/Emmanuel; Fergs’ Handout.
Spiritist Teachers: Ricardo and Maria Cláudia.
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.
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