Joshua and Daniel were very close brothers. Daniel was the youngest. They always worked together. After many years of hard work they both got rich and they both bought a ranch. Their ranches were separated by a long river, so they had to have a long walk along the river to enjoy the company of each other. They didn’t mind, because they were more than brothers, they were best friends.

         One morning while Daniel was fixing the barn, Joshua came over. Daniel was having trouble fixing the door and he was very frustrated. He was hammering the door when by mistake he hammered his finger! Oh…ouch, that hurts!!! Joshua offered help. Daniel was so frustrated that he started yelling to his brother. Joshua lost his head too and they both were yelling at each other. Before Joshua left he told Daniel that he was never going to come back. Daniel said: “Fine! Go! I don’t need you! In fact you just made me a happier man!

         Poor brothers…They didn’t know what they were saying…

         Few weeks passed by and there was no word from Daniel or Joshua. Both were working harder than before, because now they needed to fill the void in their hearts. They really missed each other, but neither had the courage to say “I am sorry!”

         One afternoon someone knocked at Joshua’s door. He thought: “Maybe is Daniel!! “. He opened the door smiling and…no, it wasn’t. There was a mid-age man holding a box full of tools. He was asking for a job. Immediately Joshua had an idea!! “Yes sir, actually I need a little help for a project that I have in mind. Do you see that ranch? It is my brother’s ranch. We had a fight some weeks ago and I want to build a tall white fence along the river, so I won’t be bothered by seeing him again.”

         “I understand your situation. Please, show me where the wood, the hammer and the nails are so I can start right away. I’ll do a perfect job and you won’t regret it.” – said the old man.

         Joshua showed the old man where all the materials were and soon after he left the ranch to run some errands in the city.

         The old man worked very hard the whole day, measuring, cutting wooden boards, hammering, and painting. He finished his work at twilight and he was very satisfied with the results. At the same time Joshua came back from the city. As Joshua was getting closer to the ranch he couldn’t believe his eyes! “Where is the fence?” – He thought. There was no fence, instead there was a bridge linking his ranch to Daniel’s!!! “Oh my…what he did do?” – Joshua couldn’t believe his eyes.

         Joshua parked the car and went straight to the old man saying: “How could you build a bridge linking my ranch to my brother’s after everything I said to you???

         When Joshua turned around and looked at the bridge he saw his Brother Daniel running towards the other end of the bridge. Daniel stopped at the other end of the bridge breathing heavenly. The two brothers were paralyzed for a few seconds looking at each other eyes. In a mutual impulse they both ran the same time to each other crying with their arms right opened. They hugged and finally forgave each other.

         The old man witnessed everything with a smile on his face. Joshua seeing the old man leaving called him: “Please Sir, don’t go…My brother and I have a lot of projects to do in our ranches and we need your help. Stay with us.” The old man, looking deeply at Joshua’s eyes said: “I would love to, but I have many other bridges to build!”

         Material received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA