1. To live on the island…:
a. the freedom of each individual needs to be respected.
b. rules should be created for better living.
c. each one should join the group they want to.
d. a leader should be elected so that everyone must follow him/her.
2. How to increase the chance of survival on this island?
a. Forming a large family.
b. Every man for himself.
c. Let the strongest win.
d. Dividing into teams.
3. What would be the best rules to be followed in this type of organization?
a. Division of tasks.
b. Care and respect for the elders.
c. Everyone should flirt: free love.
d. Caring for and protect the children.
e. Anarchy (no rules).
4. What will happen to the orphaned children?
a. They should be looked after by everyone in the community.
b. They must fight for survival as the others.
c. They will be adopted and will form a new family.
d. They must work for the adults.