2. The Spiritual Principle is the corollary of the existence of God. Without this principle God would forever remain unrevealed to man; for one could not conceive sovereign intelligence reigning eternally over only animal matter; or a terrestrial monarch reigning through his life over stones. As one cannot admit God to be without the essential elements of dignity, justice and goodness, these qualities would be useless if exercised only over matter.
3. On the other hand, one would not be able to conceive a God sovereignly just and good creating intelligent and sensible beings, in order to condemn them to nothingness after a few years of suffering without compensation, enjoying a view of an indefinite succession of beings who are born without having demanded the gift of life, who are endowed with the power of thought only to learn pain, and are destroyed after an ephemeral existence.
Without the survival of the thinking being, the sufferings of life would be on the part of God cruelty without object. This is why materialism and atheism are consequences of one another. Denying the cause, one cannot admit the effect; denying the effect, one cannot admit the cause. Consequently materialism is not reasonable.
Excerpt from ’The Genesis According to Spiritism’ by Allan Kardec; Chapter XI, items 02 and 03.
Translation: Spiritist Alliance for Books / Spiritist Group of New York.