THEATRE PLAY;    "Good Person":

         Characters in the story:

         * Brothers Richard and Roger; one is a good person but the other is bad.

         * Marina and Teresa (common friends of the two brothers).

         * Mrs. Anderson, mother of the two boys.

         * Some of the children in the room (some represent good spirits; others evil spirits).

         ON SCENE:

         Marina and Teresa meet and begin talking about the news:

         - Hello Marina!

         - Hello Teresa! How are you? Are you okay?

         – I am great! (Teresa responds)

         Teresa says: - Mrs. Anderson must not be well. Did you hear what happened to her children?

         Marina says: I heard about what happened to Teresa. Yes, very unfortunate… What a tragedy to lose two children at once in a car accident!

         - Richard was such a good person! (Teresa says)

         - Unfortunately we can not say the same about Roger, right? (Marina says)

         - They say there is life after death; do you believe that? (Teresa says)

         - I have also heard about this, but if true, how well will our friends be there now? (Marina says).


         Roger is surrounded by evil spirits, making him feel worse than he was; anguished, sad, feeling quite sick, surrounded by a dark cloud.

         Richard passed by the site, feeling happy, joyous and radiant. He faces his brother and says:

         – Wow, Roger… I told you to change your life while on earth... Your appearance is really unfortunate, to say nothing of the creatures that are around you.

         Roger says:

         - And you? How did you get such good looks and tranquillity of the Spirit? Why are these enlightened creatures accompanying you?

         Richard says:

         – Do you remember our dear Mom? She taught us that we should follow the teachings of our beloved brother Jesus, that is, only practice goodness, to become enlightened spirits. But you never gave heed to what she said; you took pleasure in doing exactly the opposite of what she taught, so you are now in such a deplorable state. It really is a shame. But there's still time to change, if you want of course. If you leave and you are truly sorry for all the evil you did, my friends will refer you to the path of goodness.

         Roger says - YES! YES! I want help. I can not stand staying in this situation. I'm sorry!

         The good spirits along with Richard, sent Roger to a recovery site where he was going to learn so that in his next reincarnation he could act differently, becoming a good person.

Sandra Ramos Medeiros

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.