Dear mom and dad,

         I am here with my great grandmother Mary and I know I cannot cry.
         Don’t you ever think that I have forgotten you. I grew up a little bit, but I'm still the same Charlie.
         I cannot tell you what happened, but I was the one to blame for the accident with the bike. It wasn’t the bus driver’s fault.
         Mom, do you remember our talks? When I said I was afraid to die? You told me once that when we die, life goes on, and we must seek the light. I felt weird when you said that... but when I was confused after the accident I saw a small bright point so I remembered our conversation… I walked towards the light and it seemed that I heard your voice saying: "Seek the light, my son." As I was walking the light seemed to get bigger and bigger. After a while I found a lady who told me:
         - It's me, Charlie, your great grandmother Mary.
         I did not remember her, mom, but her affection was so great that I threw myself into her arms crying and I told her everything that happened: That I fell off my bike and I got hit by a bus, that I was worried and I missed you so much. She looked at me and said kindly:
         - Charlie, your parents and siblings are well. We are all God’s children.
         Thank you Daddy, for answering my request of having my toys donated to the other children from the village.
         I leave a kiss to Grandpa Peter and Grandma Anna and my sister Rafaela.
         A special kiss for you, my beloved parents.
         Your child,

Material received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA