"Reading question 202 from The Spirits’ Book, we understand the importance of the Spirit to reincarnate as man as well as woman, because Spirits are of no sex. It’s necessary for them to develop themselves in every direction, in both sexes (male and female)."
Text adapted from an article taken from the Magazine ‘Reformador’ – August 1999, pg. 16 and 17.
The sexual impulse is a powerful creative energy rooted in spiritual intimacy. It’s released in the field of matter through the sexual relationship. It actives complex psycho-biological mechanisms when this happens. These are responsible for materializing into an intelligent being in the womb.
The main purpose of the sexual experience is to allow the perpetuation of the species. Secondarily, it’s to collaborate in maintaining the psychological balance of creatures, provided that such experience is structured in an atmosphere of satisfaction which is enabled by having a loving, monogamous and balanced relationship.
The affective experience, on ethical grounds, is a major factor in the fulfilment of evolution expectations. On the other hand, sexual freedom, touted by the media and said to be an evolution of customs, has increased the number of disappointments, affective and emotional conflicts of all kinds, along with a remarkable number of abortions in adolescents as well as the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
It’s our right if we choose not to accept the information that Spiritism brings us. We have our free-will, but it’s important to remember we’ll bear the consequences of an abusive behaviour; if we violate the ethics of the Law of Reproduction".