1 - Evaluate your attitudes grading them through stars you will be drawing on paper. You will need to do the following:

         Draw 4 stars if your answer is always.

         Draw 3 stars if your answer is sometimes.

         Draw 2 stars if your answer is rarely.

         Draw a star if your answer is never.

         - I listen carefully and only give my opinion afterwards, when someone is talking:

         - I always respect the teachers at the Spiritist education classes:

         - I don’t make jokes or joke about any of my colleagues at the Spiritist education classes:

         - I always say thanks after receiving the snack and candy:

         - I am very well behaved at the singing time:

         - I pray before bedtime:

         - I thank God for the food I eat:

         - I don’t argue with my colleagues at the Spiritist education classes:

         - I have respect for nature:

         - I respect others and help whenever someone needs:

         - I take part at the Spiritist education classes and never miss it:

         - I do just as I would have other do unto me:

         - I trust that Jesus is my friend and that’s why I'm never alone:

         2 - Draw stars grading you regarding the following virtues:

         Note: you can draw more or less stars in accordance with your behaviour.

         - Courage:                - Friendship:                - Education:

         - Respect:                - Patience                - Faith:

         3 - Finally write down a virtue that you have managed to develop very well (one of your qualities) and you still need to develop. Note that the answers given here at this exercise (number 3) will be used to fill in the commitment agreement contract.