It is important to know how to love and take care for your physical body because it is a gift that God gave you.

         With your body you can run, play, study, talk, work; finally, make a lot of good things. But your little body needs energy for you to do all this; so you need to feed yourself properly and at the right time, for you to grow strong and healthy. You also need to keep it cleaned, bathing every day, brushing your teeth, wearing shoes, washing their hands; thus preventing diseases that could mistreat your little body.

         And just as food and hygiene are good, sleep is also very important for the preservation of health, because when you sleep, your body rests, being more willing to follow the teachings of the Master Jesus.

         You should also be grateful to your Mom for helping to take care of your little physical body, your nutrition and your hygiene.

          Jesus trusts you, for he trusts into your little hands and your love, to perform important tasks. He knows that with the little body that God gave you; you can be helpful by loving, studying, working and doing goodness.

         Always follow the examples of Jesus, as a way to thank God for this treasure, which is your little body. It is with your physical body that you can run, dance, work, walk, play....

         Watch your little physical body and see how much good you can do; how much benefit you can provide to others with your eyes, mouth, hands...

         Assist all your brothers, by saying beautiful and consoling words, working with your hands and helping the needy.