What do you do with a toy you get as a present?

          What do you need to do, to be able to play with this toy very often?

          What do we do with the toys when they get broken?

          Why is it important to love and care for our physical body? Because it is a gift that God gave us.

          What type of things we can do with our physical body? Run, play, study, talk, work, etc.

          What does our physical body need to do all this? Energy.

          How can we get energy to our physical body? We need to eat at the right time and correctly to grow strong and healthy. We also need to sleep, to recover our energies. When we sleep our physical body rests; on the next day it’s more willing to follow the teachings of Jesus.

          What else do we need to do for our physical body to healthy at all times? Bathe, brush our teeth, wash our hands, etc.

          Why should we do all these actions? In order to avoid diseases that could potentially damage our physical body.

          Who shall we thank for our physical body? God and our moms; who help us to take care of our physical body, look our nutrition as well as our hygiene.

          How shall we thank God? By following Jesus’ examples.

          How do we do that? By helping people, saying beautiful words, collaborating with our hands and helping those in need.