In the first part of the lesson I made a correlation between a TOY and the PHYSICAL BODY. What did they do when they got a toy as a gift from someone?

          Do they look after the toy so they could always play with it? What did they do when the toy got damaged?

          I asked them what they did if the toy couldn’t be repaired. The same could apply to the physical body.

          I made a correlation between a toy and the physical body during all activities within this lesson and I always asked them for justifications.

          I made a correlation between energy and a kitchen appliance: what does it need to work?

          In the second part of the lesson I told them the story and tried to ask questions as I was telling it to them. This enabled all children to get involved. Children of this age are extremely sincere. They will soon tell how things happen at home; this gives us a chance to orientate the child for a better behaviour/procedure.

          In the third part of the lesson I distributed small size drawings so the children wouldn’t spend much time painting. You will find several links, where different pictures can be found, at the bottom of this lesson.

          In the sixth part of the lesson I organised a ‘bowling’ session: 5 plastic bottles, decorated with pictures of animals, flowers, butterflies ... and a small plastic ball.

          We lined up the children by stature. All children participated several times. Taking into account that spirituality works with us, only one child had higher scores than the other children in the rounds. This child made a "Strike" in this last round: she was the one who had chosen a fruit; the other children all chose sweets as a treat.

          I took advantage of this fact to further strengthen the teaching of the lesson.

          I also asked them what body parts they have used during this game: some used the hands; others sometimes the feet – we also mentioned the arms and legs. They forgot to mention the eyes. I then covered the eyes of one of the children. I turned her around, positioned her outside the direction of the bottles. I then asked her to throw the ball and she missed the target, of course.

          Finally, I congratulated everyone for participating. I thanked everyone for coming and said I would be waiting for them on the next coming Sunday.

          I told everyone soon after that they could each choose a fruit to eat.