The human body is the entire structure of a human organism, and consists of a head, neck, torso, two arms and two legs. By the time the human reaches adulthood, the body consists of close to 50 trillion cells, the basic unit of life. These cells are organized biologically to eventually form the whole body.

         It is made of interrelated parts; that is, that rely on one another. Each system, each organ is responsible for one or more activities. Thousands of chemical reactions happen within every instant inside our physical body; it could be for capturing energy for the maintenance of life, moving muscles, recovering from injuries and diseases or maintaining certain temperature within our body.

         The human body has been transforming and progressing. This process has been happening for millions of years, which enabled mankind to adapt to the environment and develop. Our body is a precise mixture of chemical elements. The parts of the human body work in an integrated way and in harmony with one another. It is essential for us to understand the way the human body works in order acquire a healthy perfective for our lives.

         * The spiritist teacher could take a picture with parts of the human body to this class in order to facilitate the children’s understanding.

         Get to know the organs of the human body:

         Human Body Organs:

Brain - Eyes - Pituitary – Thyroid - Heart - Lung - Esophagus - Thymus - Adrenals - Appendix
Bladder - Gallbladder – large Intestine – small Intestine - Kidneys - Liver - Pancreas - Spleen
Stomach - Skeleton - Male pelvis (Prostate & Testes) - Female pelvis (Ovaries & Uterus)

Get to know Major organ systems:

Circulatory system - Digestive System - Endocannabinoid system - Endocrine system - Integumentary system
Immune system - Lymphatic system - Musculoskeletal system - Nervous system - Reproductive system - Respiratory system - Urinary system - Vestibular system