Dear Parents or Guardians,

         Your child is involved in learning about co-operation. He or she has been asked to complete a task this week and your cooperation with these activities will support our overall program.

         The current lesson is about the importance of cooperating with friends and classmates. We have talked about the need to collaborate not only at the spiritist centre but also at home, at school, etc. Ask your child to tell you about what was learned and also which activities he or she have been involved today.

         Here are some things you can do to support the idea that cooperation is an important life skill and that the rewards outweigh the sacrifices.

         * Schedule household chores at a time when all members of the family can work together to finish them.

         * Initiate a fun project that involves all family members (a garden, jigsaw puzzle, homemade pizza, etc.).

         * "Catch" your child cooperating (or attempting to cooperate) and offer your encouragement by verbally showing your appreciation; material rewards are not necessary.

         We look forward to working with you and your child on this learning process. We will be asking your child next week what they have done to cooperate at home. Your assistance on this task is very important! We believe that if we are a team, together with the Spiritual Benefactors, we will be able to assist the children to become better citizens.

Warm Regards,

Spiritist teacher XYZ

Spiritist Centre XYZ

“Education, rightly understood, is the key of moral progress”
Allan Kardec