It was too late to help – adaptation

         Two friends called Marcus and Antonio went to the cinema in a cold night during winter. They were watching a very nice movie that talked about how we can change the world to become a better place, practicing goodness, being charitable. The movie was called: The chain of goodness.

          They decided to walk for a while as soon as the movie finished and saw a man lying on the streets. He wasn’t wearing many clothes. He also seemed to be sick and feeling cold.

          Marcus felt moved by a natural impulse of kindness. He removed his woven jacket and walked towards the homeless with the intention of covering him.

          Antonio realised what his friend was about to do and decided to stop him.

          - Don’t do this, Marcus! What difference would it make to give such expensive jacket to this individual? Let’s go to your home, get some old clothes you no longer wear and give it to him, to warm him.

          Marcus, who owned the expensive jacket, changed his mind. He then replied:

          - Yes, you are right.

          He then put his jacket on and walked towards his home.

          When they arrived at Marcus’s luxurious apartment, they had a hot and comforting cup of tea together with his parents. They talked about the movie and other subjects, completely forgetting the agony of the unknown man who was in lying in the cold street…

          The following day was a Sunday. Marcus woke up at around 10 am and suddenly that man, who was feeling cold last night, came into his mind.

          He then decided to come back to the place where the man was located. He took some clothes with him as well as hot coffee and a sandwich. When he got there, Marcus saw that the man died of cold and hunger; he was being removed by the police now.