It was too late to help

         Have you ever stopped to think about charity one day?

         It’s generally confused with almsgiving; to get rid of the poor, the beggar; to allow this person to go as soon as possible.

         Given the problems of hunger, poverty, have you ever wondered whether this is really a government problem?

         After all, who, at that time, when and in what place should charity be practiced?

         Once, in the time of the czars, a very famous piece was played at the Theatre of Moscow. All spots were totally taken by the royals.

         The plot revolved around the sufferings of a mystical ruler who, in the midst of cruel suffering, sacrificed himself for the Christian faith.

         The music enchanted the hearts of the nobles. They all identified themselves with the agonies of the Christian character that somehow conveyed a little in each of their hearts.

         It was time for the play to be over. Right next to the theatre a beggar could be seen lying under the marquee. He was shivering with cold. He seemed to be delirious amid the blizzard night.

         One of the ladies from the court was descending the stairs that would lead to her chariot. She saw the man and, driven by a natural impulse of kindness, withdrew the rich fur coat she was wearing. She then headed toward the poor man, with the firm intention of covering him.

         The lady who made her company, however, realized what she was about to do and stopped her.

         Don’t do it! What good will this expensive piece of clothing have for such miserable man? Tomorrow you shall send warm coats for him through one of your servants.

         The lady who owned the expensive jacket changed her mind and said: Yes, you're right. And put her coat back on, seeking her carriage.

         They arrived at their luxurious castle, took a warm and comforting tea; and sought their cozy beds. They completely forgot the agony of the unknown man under the icy weather.

         On the next day morning she remembered the man shivering with cold. She called one of her servants and ordered to take warm clothing to the poor man. When he arrived, the servant encountered the unknown man already dead, being removed by the police.


         The fact answers to the initial questions. The rescue invariably arrives late whenever charity receives interference from controversy, discussion and debate.

         It is necessary that each of us does goodness today. There are many ways to practice charity:

         Help someone become literate. Provide medication and hospitalization for a patient who doesn’t have resources available.

         Provide medication for someone who is in bed, feeling ill. Provide milk to a child whose mother’s breasts are empty.

         Offer a toy to a poor child, to an orfan child.

         To be charitable is to do unto others as you wish others do to us, both in the material and moral aspect.


         Our possessions will be useless if we don’t have in our hearts charity and comforting words of mercy to distribute.

         To give what's overabundant is the duty of solidarity; to give a bit extra is full donation.

Redação do Momento Espírita based on chap. 9 from the book called ‘Moldando o terceiro milênio’.