Late Assistance

         It was a very cold winter night and the two friends, Marcos and Antony were going home after watching a movie. The movie was very touchy, because it was about how we can change the world for the better if we do good things to the others and be charitable. The name of the movie was: The great chain of goodness.

         As they were walking they saw a man lying on the sidewalk in front of a store. He seemed sick and he was shivering.

         Marcos, in an impulse of kindness, took off his own warm coat. He was about to cover the poor man with his coat when Antony stopped him.

         “Don’t do that Marcos!! Why are you going to give your expensive coat to this miserable man? Let’s go to your house and get some old clothes that you don’t use anymore and give to the man.”

         Marcos now, giving it a second thought said:

         “Yeah, you’re right. This coat is too expensive to give to a poor man.”

         As they got to Marcos comfortable home, they had a hot tea. Marcos parents were awake and they started to talk about the movie and they completely forgot about the miserable man sleeping on the sidewalk.

         Next day, which was Sunday morning, Marcos woke up and opened the window. When he looked to the street he remembered about the man!!!

         In a hurry he got dressed, picked some of his old clothes, made a sandwich and hot milk to give to the poor man and ran to the place that the man was laying.

         When he got there he didn’t see the poor man. He asked the lady from the store if she saw the man. The lady said:

         “Yes I saw him this morning. He was so cold he was unconscious and almost wasn’t breathing. I called to the police and they took him to a hospital. I am praying for him.”

         Marcos felt terrible! He knew if he had given his expensive coat to the poor man, the man wouldn’t be in this serious health condition. But he chose not to. He was so ashamed of himself that he was asking for God’s forgiveness. He prayed to God everyday asking for the health of the man to return. Thankfully, after one week the man was back on the sidewalk in front of the store and Marcos gave him a lot of food, warm clothes including his expensive coat.

         Material received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA