a – How can we define “moral transformation”? It is a change of attitudes: good, loving and charitable actions, words and thoughts. This will take us to our spiritual evolution and happiness.

         b – What are bad inclinations? These are our bad tendencies, which could originate from other incarnations. This led us to disrespect God’s Laws; for this reason make bad choices.

         c – How can we identify our bad inclinations? We can watch carefully our attitudes, thoughts, understand our tastes and reasons behind our choices. This exam should be done constantly and with honesty.

         d – Do we usually self-analyze to identify our bad inclinations? The answer should vary from child to child. Therefore, the spiritist teacher could remind them the majority of people don’t self-analyze for several reasons such as: some say they lack time, not sure of the need to self-analyze or even lack of interest on carrying their own inner reform.

         e – Does the lack of self-analysis of our bad inclinations have consequences? If so, which ones? Yes, there are consequences. Bad choices, keeping an eye on others’ mistakes (watching and commenting on it), repetition of the same mistakes and even being on a state of spiritual stationary. If we don’t self-analyze we are missing out on a precious tool for our spiritual evolution.

         f – Which habits can help us to overcome our bad inclinations? We could try to identify our mistakes and learn from them; make efforts to replace imperfections for virtues; take part at spiritist education classes, pray anytime and anywhere, be charitable, work honestly; study the Divine Laws; have the determination and efforts to become better, everyday.

         g – Is it hard to overcome our bad inclinations? Why? Yes, it is hard. Pride and selfishness are the worst obstacles to our inner reform.