The immortality of the soul

         “Get to know thyself and you will become immortal...”

         There was a great philosopher called Socrates who lived in Athens a few centuries before Christ.

         His philosophy was not a speculative theory, but the life he himself lived.

         He was over seventy when he was condemned to death, even though he was innocent.

         Socrates awaited his execution in prison. Whilst there, Socrates was visited by his friends and disciples who were trying everything to prevent him from dying. One of his friends who was eager to take him away from prison was an old and wealthy Athenian named Crito.

         The philosopher, therefore, didn’t make any efforts to leave the prison. He was calm and at peace with his spirit. He was simply waiting for the day he would be executed by drinking hemlock.

         On the day before his death, Socrates’ friends were able to bribe the guards (this was quite common since that time...). They opened the door of the cell to Crito, who was a close friend of Socrates. He made sure that none of the needs of Socrates were left unsupplied. He was one of the most devoted disciples from Socrates. Crito then says to Socrates:

         - Socrates, you can now run away!

         - Run away? Why? – The prisoner asked.

         - Don’t you know they will kill you tomorrow?

         - Kill me? No one can kill me!

         - Yes, by force tomorrow will be the end of your life. You will have to drink the deadly poison – Crito insisted. Come on Master, hurry up so you can escape from death!

         - My dear friend Crito – the prisoner responded – you are such a bad philosopher! To think that a little bit of poison will put an end on me...

         Socrates then pulled the skin of his hand with his fingers. He then asked:

         - Crito, do you think this is Socrates?

         He then hit his skull with his wrist and asked Crito:

         - Do you think this is Socrates? ... This is what they will kill; the material body, but not me. I AM MY SOUL. No one can kill Socrates! ...

         Socrates remained sat at the open cell. In the meantime Crito left; he was not able to understand what he considered to be stubbornness or idealism from his master.

         On the following day, he had to drink the poison. Socrates holds up the cup, then drinks all of the contents, and calmly hands the cup back to the Executioner.

         On the next day his body was already loosing some of its sensitivity. Crito was now unable to restrain his tears. He then asked:

         - In what manner shall we bury you, Socrates?

         The philosopher was already semi-conscious. He then said:

         - I have already told you, my friend. No one can bury Socrates. When I die, I'll no longer stay with you, but I'll go away into the joys of the blessed. You can bury this body anyway you like. This is not me… I AM MY SOUL…

         This is how the man, who found out the secret of HAPPINESS, died. Therefore, not even death could take this discovery away from him.


         This is how we all are, IMMORTAL beings, since we are SOUL, LIFE, DIVINE, ETERNAL…

         We only die when we are FORGOTTEN…

Text: Sócrates – Imortalidade d’ alma. Author: Uberto Rhodes

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.