A School Love

         Jenny has a son called Marcelo, who is ten years old. One day she decided to enroll him into spiritist education classes at the Spiritist Group Seara do Mestre. She agreed with her son which day she would register him there.

         When the day arrived, they went the centre and were welcomed by a lovely lady called Ana Claudia, who works at the library.

         The lady soon mentioned they would need to fill in a registration form. Have any of you filled in a form?

         Please explain to them the importance of a registration form. Why do we need it? We need it to be aware of the number of children registered, have access to their contact details, to know who their teachers are and to find out which cycle they should be studying into. It is also useful to find out who are the children’s parents and/or guardians; plus if the children have any special requirements.

         Marcelo then started to fill in the form. He was quite curious about what he would learn in these classes as he already went to school during the week.

         Ana Claudia called a teacher who introduced herself to them. She was called Fabrice and came there to talk to Marcelo and his mom about the classes.

         What do you think she said about the learning process that happens at spiritist education classes? What have you learned on previous years? Who was here last year? What did you learn? Please wait for their answers.

         (If there is more than one spiritist teacher present, it would be interesting to write down all answers given by the children at the school board. The narrator could use these sentences and build up from there, as he/she tells the story).

         (The narrator can complement with any theme he/she believes to be important...) This was what the spiritist teacher said... The children learn about Jesus, charity, the immortality of the spirit, protector spirit, Allan Kardec, mediumship, being a good man, love, peace, forgiveness and respect to the nature. They also learn about reincarnation, the spiritual world, that we are spirits and have a physical body.

         Please ask the following: Why are these concepts important to be learned? Please wait for their answers.

         These concepts are the path for our spiritual evolution; for us to become more evolved and happier spirits. Spiritist education is a school of love, because we learn that practicing the love taught by Jesus is the way for happiness.

         The spiritist teacher then explained to Marcelo and Jenny that the classes started at a specific time. Does anyone know what time it starts? It starts at 2:30pm, when start getting in tune with music, by singing songs. The class then starts at 3pm and finishes at 3:45pm.

         Marcelo then remembered about class materials… He decided to ask if he would need to bring a notebook to these weekly classes. What do you think? The spiritist teacher explained it was important for him to bring a notebook, a pencil and a rubber. She also said that if possible they could also bring color pencils, glue, scissors, but the class had a community box where all material used for drawings was kept… (Please explain this passage in accordance with the reality of the spiritist centre).

         Please conclude by questioning the children if anyone has any questions about the spiritist education classes.

         Please talk about the poster, which will need to be completed by the children:

         This poster will identify our classroom. The children in this poster will represent the children here in class. The phrases/themes are the topics that will be studied during this year. Please ask why it says: Spiritist Education, embark in this story! Every child has the chance of changing his/her life with the help of what will be learned during the spiritist education classes. That is, putting into practice the lessons we will be learning, such as forgiveness, love, charity and solidarity. Besides, Spiritism answers many questions: where we came from; who we are and where we are going.

         Why does it say 2nd cycle? It’s because the classes are split in cycles, which are in accordance with the different age groups. This cycle refers to 9 and 10 year old children.