Greetings and Opening prayer
The spiritist teacher must bring a meditation technique to this class. We offer the model below as a suggestion. It could be interesting to have a soft background music played at this time.
First - Meditation: Relax. Find the most comfortable way to sit. You are now asked to close your eyes. Try to forget what surrounds you for a moment and just focus on my voice. Feel your body. Let your legs relax. Let your arms drop, feel your hands, your fingers… Get rid of any tension you may still be feeling... Imagine that a light comes from above now. This light goes through your mind and expands, illuminating your entire body. It is the divine flow of God. So you feel happy, full of desire, of disposition…
Everything is dark around you. Imagine that there is a door in front of you now. You see a light on this door. Approach it slowly… Open it when you reach the door. This door will open your eyes to the world. When you open, you will come out of the darkness and see a green field; full of flowers. You can’t see the end of the field. Look at the nature around you.
Breathe the country air, breathe deeply... You are feeling very good about yourself. Your soul feels well-being…
Open your arms and feel the breeze against your body. You are now feeling calm, confident, capable and happy.
Note the distance. There is a tall tree in this field... Its branches are long and pleasant. Approach the shadow of the tree. See, there's someone next to that tree. Go to that person; don’t feel afraid. She noticed your presence and opened her arms to welcome you. She looks deep into your eyes. Repay that look. Look into the eyes of that person. See and feel your friend. A friend who has long wanted to find you. Embrace her now. She does not say a word, but you know… you feel you can trust this person.
You both will now sit on the grass. You feel very light, very happy. Try to communicate with that person. You don’t need to speak. She can hear your thoughts. Now think about what you want to tell that person. Remember your fears... your problems... your questions about life. Vent. You are very important to that person. She wishes you well and is willing to help you. She listens with attention and love. You feel you are being understood. You can tell that person anything; she'll keep a secret. You can ask for help and she will help. Embrace her again, you need to say goodbye. Look back, there's the door where you came from. We must return now. Walk towards the door. Continue feeling the nature, the wind in your face. Thank this person! You found someone who is on your side, who is your friend, who wishes you well... Open the door. You're in the dark again. Feel your body, your legs, your arms… Breathe deeply, slowly. You now feel you are back here, you're in this room, in the Spiritist Group… And when I count to three you will open your eyes. 1 ... 2 ... 3!
Second: clarify, once the technique finishes, that the person they met is real. She/he is their guardian angel; their spiritual mentor. Even if we don’t see him/her, he/she is always by our side. We can feel his/her presence whenever we want his/her help. We can also meet our spiritual mentor when we pray in our house, as we can meet with him/her when we meditate. The problems and anxieties we share with our spiritual mentor in meditation, will enable him/her to help us perceive and solve them during our youth group meetings. Therefore, every person in the group should feel welcomed, safe and capable of expressing their doubts every week.
Third: young people should meet in pairs to discuss with the other colleague the knowledge each of them have on Spiritist Teachings, as well as doubts.
Fourth: each pair should share their observations to the larger group. The questions that arise from the youth should become the subjects of the following classes. We realized that the biggest doubt that arouse from our group was about the existence of life on other planets. This will be the theme of the next encounter.
Closing prayer
Suggested Class suitable for: Youth – 1st Cycle (13 to 14 years old).
Spiritist Teachers: Carina Streda & Roberson Daian Dornelles Assisi.
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies .