Spirit of the glass. Is that a game?

         There is a very common practice amongst young people called Spirit of the glass, which is not a funny game. There are people gathering together at schools to play this game by evoking spirits. College students enjoy playing the "spirit of the glass" game where a spirit is called upon to give predictions about the future, for example. The problem is that only inferior and ignorant spirits would be willing to participate. Good spirits would never get involved in such thing.

         Inferior, bad or ignorant spirits present themselves for these sessions. They mystify and most of the times use a false identity in order to encourage people to feel more curious and intrigued about them.

         The spirits who take part in this apparent joke feel they have the right to receive something is return for what they have done. They don’t feel ashamed of charging a high price for their work. They then start following the people who called them on these sessions everywhere. They even suggest the following ideas to the incarnate spirits: going to bars instead of going to school; staying with mates rather than with family members; swapping a healthy diet by drugs that destroy the body and the spirit; encourage disunion and hate rather than peace and harmony. Some individuals are so influenced by them they could even get to the point of committing suicide.

         If the people knew the seriousness of this so called ‘joke’ they would never play the Spirit of the glass.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.
