Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies. Mario went on a day out with his Granma and his mom. They went to a fun fair. Mario played on many different toys. He then decided he wanted to eat ice cream, but since he had a bit of a cold his mom didn’t let him. The little boy felt angry and spent the rest of the day complaining. He didn’t want his Granma and his mom to have a good time at their day out because of that.
Rafael was at Antonia’s birthday. He was at her house and entered into a dark room on his own. He dropped a blue vase by mistake, which was placed on the top of a table.
When Antonia’s mom heard the noise of broken glass, she entered into the room but there was no one there. She saw Rafael standing by the front door and asked if he knew who broke the vase. Rafael said he didn’t do it, but saw Peter and Enrick leaving the room after hearing the noise of broken glass.
The team was playing a volleyball tournament at Ana’s school. The opposite team served first and the ball touched down Ana’s team court. It would damage Ana’s team. But before anyone realised the ball touched the court, Ana shouted: Out! She screamed so loud everyone believed the ball was out. Ana’s team was awarded points in this occasion and managed to win the game.
John went to the cinema with Paul and Tide. On the way to the cinema they stopped at a shop where Paul and Tide decided to get two chocolate bars each without paying for it. John was taken by surprise with his friends’ attitude and tried to warn them that was not right.
Paul and Tide laughed at John. They called him a coward for not stealing anything from the shop. John decided to go home on his own instead of going to the cinema with his friends as he was quite concerned with their attitude.
Marianne went out to sleep over at Louise’s house. Louise’s mom switched off the light in the room and asked the girls to go to bed as it was already 11pm.
The two girls didn’t obey and stayed awake until 3am. On the following day, they found it difficult to wake up at the right time and were late for school. They could not understand the math’s class and were in a really bad mood. They then had a discussion at school break, since they were tired and impatient.
Melinda was tiding up her room with her mom’s help. The two of them decided to pile up a few toys the little girl wasn’t playing with for a long time.
Melinda’s mom asked her to bring a bag to place all the toys she no longer played with to donate them to the spiritist centre. When the girl brought the bag, she said she didn’t want to donate any toys because she liked them very much. She didn’t want anyone to play with them.
The family gathers together at Ana’s house, to do the Gospel at Home practice every Friday at 9pm. Ana didn’t want to participate on it this week as she just got a new toy and preferred to play with it. Ana’s mom said the girl had to participate and stop playing with her new toy. The girl had no choice but to obey her.
During the Gospel at Home practice, Ana didn’t want to pray or read. She spent all time pulling her younger brother.
Livy is new to Beth’s class. They never talked, but Beth said she doesn’t like Livy because she is boring. Livy has a lot of difficulties making new friends because Beth doesn’t want her friends to be friends with Livy.
Thais’ class is going on a trip. They decided to vote on the destiny for this excursion.
Thais really wants to go to a farm. During the previous week, she campaigned across her school mates so that they would vote on favour of going to a farm. In order to convince her colleagues, she invented that in a farm there are many cool things, such as swimming pool and a park, but she knew she was lying.
Antonia’s class is having a math’s exam. She doesn’t know the answer to the last question. She looks at her colleague Clarissa and finds out she already answered it. Antonia looks again and is able to finding out the answer to that question. Clarissa didn’t realise what Antonia did but a colleague sitting next to her called Gil saw everything.