There are people in our lives that make us feel happy for the simple fact they have crossed our way.

         Some of them walk along our side, seeing many moons pass by, but others we only see them for some time. To all we call them friends.

         Each leaf of a tree perhaps characterizes one of them.

         The first ones that are born from the sprout are the friends called father and mother. They show us what is like to be alive.

         Later on comes our friend called brother, with whom we share our space so that he can flourish just like us.

         We start to know all the family of leafs, which we respect and wish well.

         But destiny presents us with other friends, which we did not know they were going to cross our way.

         Many of these are what we call friends from the heart. They are sincere, truthful. They know when we are not well, they know what makes us happy…

         Sometimes, one of these friends touches our heart deeply and then is called a boyfriend.

         This friend brightness up our eyes provides music for our lips and leaps for joy.

         But there are also those friends we have for some time, perhaps during a vacation period or during one day or one hour.

         These friends usually put many smiles in our face during the time we are close to one another.

         Speaking of being close, we cannot forget our friends who are at distance. Those who are in the tips of the leaves, but when the wind blows, they always appear again between a leaf and another one.

         Time goes by, summer goes, autumn approaches and we lose some of our leaves. Some are born in another summer and others remain for many seasons.

         But what makes us happier is that the ones that had fallen continue to be close by; they continue to be feeding our root with joy; with memories from our wonderful moments whilst they crossed our way….

         Each person that passes in our life is unique. This person always leaves a little bit of him/herself and he/she always takes a little of us.

         There are the ones who take a lot from us; everyone leaves something with us all the time.

         This is the biggest responsibility of our life and the evident proof that two souls do not meet by chance.