Two Horses

         On the road which leads to my house there is a field. Two horses live there.

         We can see, from distance that the horses look just like any other horses. Therefore, when you look at them closer you can see one of them is blind. Their owner decided to keep him and find the blind horse a new friend – a younger horse.

         This causes a admiration...

         If you keep observing them, you will hear a bell.

         It is placed on the neck of the younger horse, once you search for where the sound comes from.

         Thus, the blind horse knows where his friend is and goes towards him.

         Both horses spend the day eating. By the end of each day the blind horse follows his companion all the way to the stable.

         You then realise the horse wearing the bell is always looking after the other one. The animal keeps an eye on the other, waiting for him every time he walks a bit quicker until his friend reaches him. The blind horse trusted his friend, following the bell knowing the animal was being lead to the right path.

         As the horses’ owners, God doesn’t give up on us because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. He looks after us and allows other people to come in to help when we need. Some times we are the blind horse guided by the sound of the bell that God places in our lives. Other times, we are the horse that guides, helping others to find its way.

         That’s how good friends are.

         You don’t need to see them, but they are there.

Unknown Authorship.