The best of all places

         An Old Persian tradition tells a story of a caravan that travelled for many days throughout the desert. They did not even have one single drop of water left to be drunk. They passed by mountains and deserts until they reached a deep well. They decided to tie a barrel on its cord to get some water from the well. Therefore, the cord broke.

         The same happened with the second and the third barrel they tried to get water from the well. The travellers then decided to tie one of them into a cord. This person also never returned to the surface. They decided to tie a second and a third person, who never came back from the well. There was a wise man that was travelling with them. He offered to be lowered down the well with a rope to investigate.

         The wise man entered the well and went all the way down to the bottom where he found a horrible looking monster who considered him to be the guardian of the well. The monster then said to the wise man:

         “You are now my prisoner, just as the others. Your life will be saved if you can give me the right answer for my question.”

         “Please fire your question”, the wise man said. The monster then asked:

         “What is the best, of all places in the world?”

         The wise man heard the question and realised he was captive and impotent; he was in fact in the hands of the monster. If he said the best place would be his own land, he would be ignoring the monster’s residence.

         He then said:

         “The best place in the world is where you have a close friend, even if this place is the earth’s underground.”

         “Bravo!” the monster said. “You are a real men and your wisdom has saved your life and your friends.”


         The best of all places is where we have a friend. A sincere; devoted friend.

         The one who, as the Master of Nazareth said, would give his life for his friend.

         A Friend is someone who talks to us looking into our eyes and saying what we need to hear. Therefore, a friend says the truth and points out mistakes; he/she doesn’t damage us with harsh words or arguments. A friend doses the words, making sure they are used at the right way as if offering a precious and delicate stone, in order to avoid hurting someone.

         When our friend points out our imperfections, it does not have the aim to hurt but to help us develop and mature. This is the reason why he will never reprimand us in public or expose our faults to others.

         Friend is someone who is with us, not just to kill time but to spent it wisely; full of joy and happiness.

         A friend is someone you watch a movie with, read a book with and share ideas. A friend would recommend us books without taking the pleasure of getting to know the book away from us.

         A friend is someone who seems to be present even when distant. His/her voice, kindness, actions are activated in our memory each time we miss this person in our soul.

         We should give the best of ourselves to this individual.

         He/she needs to get our attention, affection, loyalty.

         If storms try to darken the bright of this feeling of friendship that unites you, please remember the happy days; the difficult times you spent together.

         Recall each time this friendship helped you, fulfilled your emptiness.

         Let’s recall every time we shared wishes, dreams, hopes…

         Let’s recall... Let’s remember...

* * *

         To cultivate your friendships; protects friends at happier days.

         When feel lonely and miss love and care, you will always find the fulfilment of your needs through your solid friendships.

Text from Redação do Momento Espírita
team based on a Persian tale; unknown authorship.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.