The treasure map

         Saul, in that afternoon, didn’t want to go to the spiritist education class. His mother had explained many times they were valuable lessons, however, that day was different: she said nothing.

         Shortly afterwards, she called her son and told him there was a hidden treasure at home. She also said that he had an hour to find this treasure, which was a very important one.

         The boy immediately became interested in the "treasure hunt", sharpened by curiosity. He recalled the house was big, had many places, he didn’t know exactly what to look for and that he was running out of time.

         - When you find it, you will know that is what you seek - the mother said.

         Saul then began the search for the treasure. At first it was fun, but soon he was feeling tired. He got distracted here and there. When he saw, the stipulated time was running out.

Spiritist teacher’s Interference:

         Say that in the room there also has a treasure and invite them to look around. Divide the class into groups and give each group a map. If the spiritist teacher realizes that they are having difficulties please give them some hints: find the room on the map, explain that the groups should work together to "form" the treasure. The treasure is in a poster that should be formed by pieces of a puzzle.

         After the poster is assembled, please question:

          What images make up the poster?

          What does the figure of Jesus mean?

          What does he have to do with the kids?

          Could they could be the children in the pictures?

          What represents the treasure? Jesus and his teachings.

          What are Jesus’ teachings? Love, forgiveness, friendship, respect for others and yourself, etc.

          What is the map to get to Jesus? Spiritist education classes, because through it we strengthen and learn Jesus’ teachings.

         Click here to see our poster.

         The Spiritist teachings represent the primitive Christianity preached and lived by Jesus. Through spiritist education classes we have the opportunity of studying and practicing Spiritism, making people better and happier. Therefore, building a better world of peace and friendship.

         Recall the history and at the end invite them to open the box found by Saul. "The Gospel According to Spiritism" will be found and the note should be read by the spiritist teacher. Remind them that the Gospel contains the teachings of Jesus and is one of the basic works of Spiritism.

         End of story:

         – I didn’t find it. If only I had a map... – he complained.

         - Here it is - the mother said, holding a paper that looked like a map, with the design of the house and an "x" indicating the place.

         He soon found the treasure; he followed the lines of the map, carefully crafted by his mother.

         The treasure? The treasure was a note which was in a cardboard box, along with a copy of The Gospel According to Spiritism.


         You found the treasure! But understand ... The house is the world; the time you had to find the treasure represents your current incarnation, which must be put to good use. The treasure is the spiritual evolution; the goal of each spirit once reincarnated. We evolve when we practice the teachings of Jesus who is our Master. But a map is a very important to find a treasure. The Spiritist Education class is your map, since we learn Jesus’ teachings, which are important lessons of how to act in different situations you will encounter throughout life. Follow the map, go to spiritist education classes, which will show you the path of love and happiness.

With love,