The relevance of the Decalogue

         Greetings and Opening Prayer

         Objective: To show the young group the need of having laws for life in society today, as well as how relevant the Mosaic Decalogue is.

         First - suggested group dynamics: the spiritist teacher will begin to explain the dynamics in a disorganized manner, i.e. starting it by not dividing the students into groups (this activity is supposed to be developed into small groups). The work is to create Ten Laws (or rules) for better living, in different areas.

         Suggestions: (these can be extended and/or modified to suit the need of the group)
         - Laws for the country;
         - Laws for citizens;
         - Laws for colleges;
         - Laws for youth groups.

Later, ask them to organize their work. They can split into groups, with each group focusing on one area. They will then have 20 minutes to create the laws.

         Second: after creating the laws (rules), they should all go back into the large group where the laws that have been developed will be discussed. The young people should realize that many of the laws created by them have similarities. If they don’t realise it on their own, the spiritist teacher can inquire how similar some of them are. The spiritist teacher should also make a parallel of the rules created with the commandments received by Moses.

         Example of a rule created by the youth group: to respect others when speaking. On the Decalogue’s 10th commandment, it is found: Do not covet ... any of the things that belong to others; that is, the opinion of others.

         Third: the spiritist teacher can tell a little bit about Moses’ life by introducing questions such as:

         What attitudes we should have regarding the laws created by us and the Mosaic laws?

         What feelings must we improve so that we, for example, don’t throw garbage in the hallway? What shall we do to develop an increasing awareness of our duty as temporary patrons of this place? Answer: work on our selfishness.

         Conclusion: the Mosaic laws are current, but due to our selfishness and pride, we still have difficulties to understand them and bring them to our daily lives.

         Closing Prayer

         Handout * FEB - 1997 - 1st Cycle of Youth;
         The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter I. [Click here] to find this material
         Suggested Class suitable for: Youth – 1st Cycle (13 to 14 years old)

         Spiritist Teachers: Ricardo and Maria Claudia.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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